Code of Conduct

Open Science/Scholarship Communities (OSCs) organize, promote, and facilitate open science events to enable all participants, members and non-members, to learn about, share, and discuss open science practices. The purpose of this Code of Conduct (CoC) is to enable an environment in which diverse individuals can collaborate and interact in mutual respect. We recognize a shared responsibility to create and maintain that environment for the benefit of all. Some behaviors, therefore, are specifically prohibited:

  • Discriminating, racist, intimidating, harassing, lewd, demeaning, bullying, stalking, or threatening speech or actions
  • Any real or implied threat of physical harm
  • Unwelcome sexual attention
  • Unwelcome physical contact
  • Sustained disruption of speakers or events (verbally or physically)
  • Retaliation against an individual for reporting harassment or other unacceptable behaviors
  • Retaliation against an individual for participating in the investigation of a report of harassment or other unacceptable behaviors
  • Advocating or encouraging any of the above behaviors
  • Falsely reporting harassment or other unacceptable behaviors

Critical examination of beliefs and viewpoints does not, by itself, constitute hostile conduct or harassment. Similarly, use of sexual imagery or language in the context of a professional discussion might not constitute hostile conduct or harassment if necessary to the topic of discussion.


If someone makes you or anyone else feel unsafe or unwelcome, or if you believe a harassment problem exists, please report it as soon as possible to (one of) the Coordinator(s) of the OSC organizing the event

, either in person or electronically (with the option to remain anonymous). If the person you should report to is the target of the complaint, you may contact the event organizers and/or the confidential advisor(s) of their employer (Cancelor at JGU Mainz ). The target of the complaint will not be involved in handling or resolving the incident. Every code of conduct violation report will be treated with seriousness and care.


Participants who are asked to stop any unacceptable behavior are expected to comply immediately. Community Coordinator(s) and event organizers retain the right to take appropriate actions, including:

  1. mediation between complainant and alleged perpetrator(s), to reach an amicable resolution;
  2. issue a verbal warning;
  3. expel the offender(s) from the event (particularly if a articipant’s immediate safety is threatened); and/or,
  4. expel the offender(s) from the OSC.

Community Coordinator(s) and event organizers will also discuss with the complainant whether they wish to contact the confidential advisor(s) at the affiliated University. The alleged perpetrator(s) will be notified of a complaint as soon as possible, and be given a chance to respond to the complaint.

Local addendum to the Guiding Principles and/or Code of Conduct

The above mentioned Guiding Principles and Code of Conduct apply to all OSCs that are part of INOSC. Local OSCs that are part of INOSC are not allowed to alter, adjust, or remove any of these sections, or information from them. A local addendum to the Guiding Principles and/or the Code of Conduct is permitted, as long as none of the information specified in the addendum contradicts the Guiding Principles and/or Code of Conduct as dictated above. An addendum should be

1 the final section of the document or webpage that contains the Guiding Principles and Code of Conduct, and 2. be recognisable as such.

That means the addendum should be placed under the header ‘Local addendum to the Guiding Principles and/or Code of Conduct).


This Code of Conduct was adapted from the following sources: Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science code of conduct , Geek Feminism wiki , American Library Association code of conduct , Community Covenant v1.0 .